Lionel s Choice, a hypoallergenic formulated holistic dog food supporting optimal absorption of nutrients through the digestive system to meet the nutritional needs of a growing puppy or adult dog.
With chicken being the only source of meat protein, our food can be used as an affordable exclusion diet for detecting and avoiding food allergies related to other known allergens such as soybean protein. By following our feeding guidelines, your trusting companion will receive all the essential nutrients, including the protein it needs.
We believe that good health starts with the gut. For us the integrity of gut barrier is vital to optimal well-being, that is why it is crucial to choose a food that has a holistic formula that supports the development and maintenance of healthy guts.
The right choice makes a lifetime s difference.
Rooibos and chestnut enriched – Natural antioxidants to help maintain cellular integrity and support the immune system in a natural way.
Ideal Omega 6:3 ratio – Balanced fatty acids and oil (including Canola) assisting in your dog s skin and coat health.
Quality chicken protein – Chicken is a natural source of Chondroitin, Glucosamine and Essential Amino Acids to support muscle maintenance and bone health.
Butyrate and Chicory (prebiotic) – Chicory provides prebiotics and along with added Butyrate to support health and digestive function.
Calcium and phosphorus – The ideal mineral ratio along with trace minerals helps support healthy teeth and bones.